Nafferton Primary School

"Where Childhood Matters"

01377 254307

Westgate, Nafferton, Driffield, East Yorkshire, YO25 4LJ

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Our Mission Statement


· We will respect what other people think and say

· We will keep our hands and feet to ourselves

· We will be kind and helpful to everyone

· We will be sensible and safe when moving around school

· We will set a good example for others to follow

· Always try our best, work hard and smile

So far this term we have been exploring balances on the large apparatus. We’ve also been moving around the hall in different ways

National Coal Mining Museum

Science - in science today, we investigated open and closed circuits by making our own switch using split pins and card. If the split pins were not touching, the circuit was incomplete

Pasty making

Science - today we investigated the effect of increasing the load on a circuit. We found that when adding extra load, more strain was placed on the battery.

Music - we moved onto our second Jazz unit of the term and began to play Bacharach’s Anorak

English - we have been picking apart a dodgy diary entry to help us identify the features.

Poetry Week - we learnt Robert Louis Stevenson’s From a Railway Carriage

Science - we started our work on electricity. The children recapped on the symbols used when constructing a circuit and drew their own series circuit. At the end of the session, children had a go at making their own circuit

Spelling - this week we have been investigating double consonants. We found that when a word contained a double consonant, it had a short vowel sound before

Science - we conducted an investigation into filtering and sieving where we attempted to separate a mixture

PE - Final Gymnastics session - applying the skills we have learnt into a routine

Science - This week we conducted an experiment into the best thermal insulator. We collated our results in a table and then created a graph

RE - Our RE focus this term is Hinduism, we read a Hindu story and created a freeze frame to accompany it

Music - In music we have been learning the three note bosa on the glockenspiel

Guided Reading - Children were debating which attribute was the most important during the Rainhill Trials